Thursday, June 20, 2013

Italy's contribution to climate change

The slope is increasing  every year 1.4612 of carbon dioxide and the blue line represents the fossil fuel from photosynthesis.

This data is from
This graph shows that Italy has the least amount of Carbon released in the air from all the other counties, and Chile carbon has risen from 2002 to 2010. The United States has increased but not as much as Chile , were Kenya has started to increase in 2002

Using the CO2 emissions from Italy graph the CO2 emissions source started to increase in the late 1990's the gases and liquids increased from 32,500 to 130,000 thousand metric ton carbon.  Since the 1990s, the country has been steadily reducing its demand for oil – though it still remains the most important source – as it increases its use of natural gas. It supplements oil and gas supplies with electricity imports and some coal use but no nuclear power. More than 80% of production is provided by thermoelectric power plants, with the rest coming from renewables, such as wind and solar power. found this information (

After comparing the most recent per capita CO2 emissions graph for Italy and figuring out the percentage of emissions to the United States, Italy's value is lower at .41632. United States is higher because fossil-fuel emissions come from the consumption of petroleum products.  Italy's per capita CO2 emissions rank is 53 at 2.04 and the United States rank is 12 at 4.9, I feel glad that Italy is ranked some what in the middle it lets off the least CO2.

Looking at the Total Fossil Fuel graph Italy has maintained it levels of CO2 and started to increase in 2000. Were Chile has increase dramatically in 2002, the reason why Chile's Carbon has increased is much of the growth in emissions is attributed to developing, non-OECD nations that continue to rely heavily on fossil fuels to meet fast-paced growth in energy demand(., and also has the biggest emitter in 2008 of CO2.  I would say Chines citizen is more at fault for releasing CO2 per capita because of there economy growing rapidly. 

The country that is most responsible for releasing most CO2 is United States it releases 91,229,888 thousand metric ton of carbon. China's Co2 emissions divided with the United States is .3484 and India's CO2 emissions divided with the United States is .10031, is means that India's releases less CO2 emission compared to China. Also China is a bigger country than India.

Comparing the global emissions of carbon to the keeling curve there are both increasing. Carbon dioxide is released in the air by burning fossil fuels as gas and oil and resorbed by plants and trees then goes through a  carbon cycle (the natural circulation of carbon among the atmosphere, oceans, soil, plants, and animals.  While carbon emissions come from a variety of natural sources, human-related.