
Italy Temperature graph

Italy Precipitation graph

Climate: The type of climate that is in Italy is similar to Denver but it gets colder in the winter, it also rains more in Italy in the summer then it does in Denver.

Italy experiences an Mediterranean climate, with its dry and hot summers and cool and wet winters especially in the mountains.

The winters average vary from 6 °C (42.8 °F), in the northern areas, to 11–14 °C (51.8–57.2 °F) in the southern islands. During the summer, averages near 23 °C (73.4 °F)  and sometimes reaching 26–28 °C (78.8–82.4 °F) in the south. Precipitations mostly during the winter. Snowfalls are rare and usually very light in the north, and almost never happen in the south.

Temperature in Italy and in Denver are very similar and it looks like Denver gets colder in the winter but all three countries are very hot in July and August.

Precipitation it looks like Milano get more precipitation than Denver and Rome, but then Rome's precipitation drops really low in July and August. Where in Denver January and February has the least precipitation.

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